Out: One Christian's Experience of Leaving the Gay Community

Out is the story of Bob's descent into homosexual practices and out again. His fascinating journey takes readers from the confusion of his teen years, to his marriage and fatherhood, to his discovery and embrace of the flamboyant Toronto gay scene. He describes abandoning his young family in order to fulfill his same-sex desires, taking him to London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, Provincetown, Key West, and San Francisco. Over a decade later, an unexpected visit from his college-aged son caused Bob to confront the consequences of his indulgences and begin to seek change.

Profound Personal Journey

Personal Journey

Bob Fife was raised in a small Ontario town by a Christian mother and an unbelieving father. Despite an early conversion to Christianity, the tensions made for a dysfunctional home and an uneasy life. Nothing prepared Bob for being sexually molested by an older boy he trusted--or what happened in his heart afterward.
From the confusion of his teen years, to his marriage and fatherhood, to his discovery and embrace of the flamboyant Toronto gay scene, the path Bob took became increasingly indulgent. He even abandoned his young family to follow his new lifestyle around the world. But an unexpected visit from his college-aged son over a decade later caused Bob to confront the consequences of his excesses--and find his way back to a restored relationship with the God who loves him.
For those seeking to deal with their same-sex attractions, not celebrate them, Bob's fascinating story points a way to grace and redemption.

Bible Reading

If they are bound in chains and caught up in a web of trouble, he shows them the reason.
He shows them their sins of pride. He gets their attention that they turn from evil.
"If they listen and obey God, they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives.
All their years will be pleasant."

Job 36:8-11